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Distributed bar system

On May, 2019 the APXIV was invited to take part in Art Week in Copenhagen

We performed every day and made 4 events in different galleries each day. Starting with 23 of May on the Opening Party in Copenhagen Contemporary were we organized 12 mobile interactive installations in a shop trolleys and ending on 26 of May with wedding first dance performance in Salon 75, through Party museum and EVERYCYCLE event.

As the main statement for this week we elaborate on the party component of any exhibition opening and on its opportunities to unite communities and establish social interaction. Nobody needs any special skills or knowledge to become a member of the party. Party then becomes one of the most participatory open sociocultural forms which enables a wide field of the probabilities to appear. It is noteworthy that an artistic statement can be formed during the party-happening and not specified initially. This condition turns an event into a space of positive contingency. The artistic statement in these terms is not limited by any restrictions, it is oriented to new perspectives and possibilities and stand open for the interpretations. Besides that, APXIV aims not only to organize a place for experiment and dialogue in the form of a performative installation, but also to realize a mutual exchange of symbolic and cultural capital with the viewer in the free zone of libidinal energy circulation.

When the curator of Copenhagen Contemporary invited ARXIV to take part in the Opening Party, we came up with a collection of 12 installations-mobile bars, 12 points of interaction with the audience. Each APXIV artist make their own bar out of the shop trolley. The artist and the trolley ply between visitors offering different type of interactions.


Anastasia Soboleva

Anna Tagantseva-Kobzeva

Gosha Golitsyn

Danya Orlovsky

Katya Granova

Lika Gomiashvili

Maria Cheloyants

Nikita Kaem

Olga Klimovitskaya

Ruslan Polanin

Sofya Ovchinnikova

Vladimir Savostin

Ya Nzi


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